Speaker Details
Erik Jacquemyn
Erik Jacquemyn started his career in the field of science communication in 1988 when he became managing director of Flanders Technology International. His academic studies as an electro-mechanical engineer and his past experiences as researcher at the Catholic University Leuven in Belgium proved to be an excellent basis for the task he was entrusted with. He is member of a number of committees and organizations. Amongst others, he was member of the Board of Directors of Ecsite (1998–2001), chairman of the Ecsite Annual Conference Program Committee (2002–2008), member of the Board of Directors of Ecsite (since 2008), Board member of ASTC (since 2003), member of the ASTC Executive Committee (since 2009), member of the IGLO Advisory Group (2006-2008), member of the Scientific Committee of the science center Le Vaisseau in Strasbourg, France (since 2006), and member of the International Programme Committee of the Science Center World Conference (since 2008). He has contributed to numerous conferences on science centres both as convenor and as speaker.
Status: Confirmed