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Dilek Olcay
Turkcell Planetarium and Science Center
Country: Turkey


Dilek Olcay, who is a Mechanical Engineer with Master of Science degree, has been working for Turkcell Planetarium and Science Center of the Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep since August of 2011, as coordinator. She worked for IT and HVAC private companies for more than twenty years in Istanbul and Gaziantep and she also has studied at Lifelong Learning Projects.

Status: Confirmed


Establishing Innovation Hubs in Science Centers

Abstract: Is dedicated places such as Innovation Hubs or Spaces, Tinkering Labs or Ingenuity Labs, really needed in science centers to promote the creativity and provide the informal learning environments? It is not so important how they are called but it is more meaningful that all, may spark innovation and collaboration.

These spaces aim at supplementing formal school education since tinkering and inquiry based learning lead to fostering innovative generations in the medium term.

NCSM, National Council of Science Museums, opened fifth Innovation Hub at Nehru Science Center, in February of 2014 and will be establishing 100 Innovation Hubs across the India in next five years. Tinkering Labs and Ingenuity Labs or similar dedicated places have been either being usually discussed or implemented in science centers and universities of developed countries since last four or five years. All these should have valuable experiences and they may be analyzed and adopted to our science centers.

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