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Speaker Details

Mr. Mohammad Aljaghbeer
, Abdul-Hameed Shoman Foundation
Country: Jordan


Mohammad embodies a dynamic spirit driven by profound confidence and passion for continuous learning with boundless energy and an insatiable curiosity for diverse subjects. As an experienced principal specialist, Mohammad has dedicated his career to nurturing the potential of children and young adults, guiding them towards discovering their talents and honing their artistic abilities. For over five years, Mohammad has been instrumental in shaping the educational landscape at the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation, overseeing all activities within the Knowledge Path department with adeptness and commitment.

Prior engagements include serving as a senior educational activities’ specialist and a content writer at the Abdul Hameed Shoman Children’s Library, where Mohammad played a pivotal role in crafting enriching experiences for young minds. Notably, as a voice-over artist and former project coordinator and educational officer at the Children’s Museum of Jordan, Mohammad seamlessly merges creativity with expertise to inspire and educate.

Status: Confirmed