Membership Categories

Full Membership Fees for the fiscal year 2024/2025: USD 1000

Full membership is opened to not-for-profit institutions and organizations inside the North Africa and the Middle East region that are involved in science engagement on permanent basis. Said institution or organization needs to be established and operating, with an ongoing activity that serves the purpose of science engagement to the general public, directly or indirectly.

For-profit science engagement establishments inside the North Africa and the Middle East region may apply for Full Membership; subject to the BoD's assessment and approval.

  • Each full member institution has one vote in the General Assembly Meeting (GAM).
  • Full member institutions are the only members with the right to nominate a CEO or Managing Director to NAMES Board and/or Presidency (according to the nomination and election regulations stated in the IR).
  • Full membership applicants must fill out and submit the online application form posted on NAMES website.
  • Full membership is granted by consensus of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the BoD to the institution or organization as a whole and not individuals.

Active Members

Associate Membership Fees for the fiscal year 2024/2025: USD 800

Associate membership is opened to not-for-profit science engagement entities inside the North Africa and the Middle East region with an established form of science engagement activity, directly or indirectly; said entity does not necessarily have a physical location or is operational all year long.

For-profit science engagement entities inside the North Africa and the Middle East region may apply for Associate Membership; subject to the BoD's assessment and approval.

  • Each associate member entity has one vote in the General Assembly Meeting (GAM).
  • Associate membership applicants must fill out and submit the online application form posted on NAMES website.
  • Associate membership is granted by consensus of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the BoD to the entity as a whole and not individuals.

Allied Membership Fees for the fiscal year 2024/2025: USD 600

Allied membership is opened to not-for-profit science engagement entities outside the North Africa and the Middle East region that support the purpose of cooperation in science engagement.

For-profit science engagement entities outside the North Africa and the Middle East region may apply for Allied Membership; subject to the BoD's assessment and approval.

  • Allied members can participate in the Network’s activities, but have neither the right of voting in the GAM nor nomination for the BoD.
  • Allied membership applicants must fill out and submit the online application form posted on NAMES website.
  • Allied membership is granted by consensus of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the BoD to the entity as a whole and not individuals.

Sustaining Membership Fees for the fiscal year 2024/2025: USD 900

Sustaining membership is open for for-profit entities inside or outside the North Africa and the Middle East region that support the purpose of science engagement.

  • Sustaining members can participate in the Network’s activities, but have neither the right of voting in the GAM nor nomination for the BoD.
  • Sustaining membership applicants must fill out and submit the online application form posted on NAMES website.
  • Sustaining membership is granted by consensus of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the BoD to the entity as a whole and not individuals.

Active Members

Contributing Membership Fees for the fiscal year 2024/2025: USD 300

Contributing membership is open for one-person companies, consultants and/or science engagement professionals operating alone inside or outside the North Africa and the Middle East region.

  • Contributing members can participate in the Network’s activities, but have neither the right of voting in the GAM nor nomination for the BoD.
  • The BoD may waiver the fees in return for a service instead, which can be in any form of beneficial content or service that the BoD deems suitable.
  • Contributing membership applicants must fill out and submit the online application form posted on NAMES website.
  • Contributing membership is granted by consensus of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the BoD.

Individual Membership Fees for the fiscal year 2024/2025: USD 150

Individual membership is opened to individuals who are working in the field of science and/or its communication. Individual members represent their person, not the entity they are affiliated to.

  • Individual members can participate in the Network’s activities, but have neither the right of voting in the GAM nor nomination for the BoD.
  • The BoD may waiver the fees in return for a service instead, which can be in any form of beneficial content or service that the BoD deems suitable.
  • Individual membership applicants must fill out and submit the online application form posted on NAMES website.
  • Individual membership is granted by consensus of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the BoD.

Honorary members are prominent entities and individuals that are involved in the cause of science engagement and its advocacy, and endorse NAMES. They could subscribe themselves or be nominated by a Board Member; in either case, they must confirm endorsing the network and be approved by the BoD.

Honorary membership may only be granted by election of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the BoD and must be based on particular merits in the field of science or science communication.

Active Members

Benefits Package

  Full Associate Allied Sustaining Contributing Individual Honorary
Conference Attendance  15-20% discount   5-10% discount   5-10% discount   5-10% discount  5-10% discount   5-10% discount   5-10% discount 
Exhibition Booth Rental 10-15% discount       20-25% discount       
Pre-Conference Workshop 15-20% discount  5-10% discount  5-10% discount    5-10% discount   5-10% discount   
Other Paid Activities 15-20% discount  5-10% discount  5-10% discount       5-10% discount   
Members Only Resources    
Award & Grants          
Special Offers            
Logo on publications            
Listing on website (profile page)  
Promotion on Social Media (upon demand)    
News Sharing (upon demand)    
General Assembly Meeting Voting 1 Vote 1 Vote          
Board Nomination            
Presidency  Nomination