27 Feb 2014

On March 4, 2013 a criminal fire destroyed the Science Centre of Città della Scienza in Naples. On the occasion of the first anniversary next Tuesday, a Framework Program Agreement that will kick off the rebuilding will be signed between the Italian Government, Regione Campania, the City of Naples and Città della Scienza.

Throughout the day, Città della Scienza will open its doors to the public with science labs, talks, music and theatre, to share the desire to rebuild the Science Centre. A day dedicated to the many citizens of Naples, Italy and the world, who have rallied for Città della Scienza, a place that was a pride for the scientific community and cultural identity of Naples.

Dozens and dozens of universities, associations, research institutes, artists and so will be at there to celebrate the restart of the science centre.

The new science centre will be built where the previous one was located, in a new modern and sustainable building, and within the urban planning program of the City of Naples for the requalification of the coastline.

The Intermediate step will be the opening at the end of 2015 of Corporea, the thematic building on health issues and the human body together with a dome for the planetarium and the projection of 3D scientific films.

Thanks to the wave of solidarity and funds collected, Città della Scienza has been already able during this year to resume very quickly some public programs in the undamaged buildings: exhibitions; lectures, shows, etc.  Very significant projects have been launched also, such as the National initiative Logicamente to raise STEM skills in Italian schools; the preparation for the European Commission of an exhibition on Responsible Research and Innovation about marine sciences; the Italy-USA cooperation project with the MIT Museum for the development of an Exhibit FabLab.