Webinar Recording is Available for NAMES members upon demand;
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Boost Your Impact: Building Effective Partnerships with Schools
Join our online webinar and discover strategies to enhance STEM/STEAM education for students. This webinar emphasizes the importance of strong partnerships between museums/science centers and schools. By offering high-quality programs, providing valuable resources, and actively measuring impact, these institutions can significantly enhance STEM and STEAM education for students.
- Date: Tuesday, 4 February 2025
- Time: 4 PM Cairo Time
- Speaker: Dr. Megan Taylor; Chief Teaching + Learning Officer, Exploratorium
Do not miss this opportunity to enhance STEM/STEAM education for students.
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Key Topics
- Effectively engage with schools and understand their specific needs and priorities.
- Integrate your offerings seamlessly into the classroom curriculum, making learning more relevant and engaging for students.
- Enhance STEM and STEAM education for students in your communities.
Why Attend?
- Identifying shared goals and objectives
- Developing effective communication channels
- Creating collaborative programs and initiatives
- Integrating museum experiences into the classroom curriculum
- Using technology to enhance learning experiences
Dr. Megan Taylor
Chief Teaching & Learning Officer at the Exploratorium
Dr. Megan W. Taylor is the Chief Teaching & Learning Officer at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, California. Dr. Taylor has taught teachers and students for over two decades in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is a Nationally Board Certified Teacher. She earned an MA and a PhD in mathematics education from Stanford University, and worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Harvard Graduate School of Education before proudly joining the California State University system as faculty in the Sonoma State School of Education. Megan came to the Exploratorium most recently from Trellis Education, a non-profit she founded in 2015 to ensure students in California public schools have exceptional math and science teachers who share critical identities with them.
Megan identifies as a woman, a mother, and an activist, and is committed to using her privileges to disrupt the impact of oppression and poverty in public education. Megan lives with her family in San Francisco, where she spends most of her spare time doing crossword puzzles and befriending spiders in Golden Gate Park.