The 3rd edition of the Euro-Mediterranean and Middle East Summer School for Science Communication, EMME 2017, was hosted by Citta della Scienza in Naples, Italy, 10 15 September 2017. It was a HUGE SUCCESS! EMME 2017 attracted 30 participants from 11 countries; Cyprus (1), Egypt (2), Italy (5), Iran (4), Jordan (4),KSA (1), Kuwait (4), Libya (4), Palestine (2), Portugal (2), and Tunisia (1). As usual, the rich program, aiming to foster future leaders of science centers and museums, featured theoretical talks, followed by practical case studies and workshops, tackling the diverse aspects of managing science centers and museums. Daily topics covered Planning for Growth—Philosophy, Strategy, and Budgets; the People in Your Ecosystem—HR and Public Programs; Channeling Science Centers through Marketing, Communication, and Fundraising; Your Building and Exhibits—Management and Maintenance; Explainers, Volunteers, and Educational Programs.