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Sarah Kuhail
Executive Director, Al Nayzak Organization, PALESTINE


Sarah Kuhail, a specialist of cross-cultural communication and international management, is currently the acting Director of Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation. Al Nayzak is a Palestinian NGO involved in promoting and mainstreaming scientific and technological innovation as a tool for societal and economic development. Sarah is passionate about education, and has worked in the field of creative education for over 5 years, focusing on innovative educational methods in times of conflict, including drama, literature and scientific innovation.


Sarah Kuhail, Acting Executive Director at Al Nayzak, Palestine, will share how experience personalization goes beyond the museum premises, especially amidst political challenges and restrictions on movement. While Al Nayzak’s Science and Technology House tailors its stories to each visitor according to cultural and academic backgrounds, it also becomes the visitor itself as it reaches out to those who cannot physically be there; mobile exhibitions are one way, technology is another. In this session, we will explore how this is done and how experiences transcend beyond borders and walls.

Personalization offers endless creative possibilities.
To create personal interactive experiences, you need a solid platform to build on.