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Barbara Gallavotti
Science Writer, ITALY


Science journalist and science writer. Author of TV broadcasts on science such as Superquark (RAI1) and Ulisse (RAI3). I realized different videos and documentary movies on scientific topics. I’ve written more than 500 articles on Science for different newspapers, and in particular for La Stampa. I have been head of the communication office of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics. I’ve organized a number of science exhibitions, and I’ve been director of the Lazio Region science festival “Open your mind”.  I wrote eight books on science for young readers, translated in 9 languages.


Scientists, Media, and Science Centers: Different Styles and Different Communications Goals

What is the aim of science communication? The answer probably depends on whom you ask. Indeed, all those who communicate science usually share one common goal: increasing the awareness of what is going on in research fields. Still, there is quite a lot beyond that. Scientists and institutional communicators usually aim at fostering the support towards research activities. Media aspire to inform, and to act as “watch dogs” (besides reaching a large audience). Science Centers have a unique opportunity to get in direct touch with their visitors, so they are in the better position to set the more ambitious target, which is promoting “scientific citizenship”.