NAMES 2016 Theme
Many people think that science is not for people like them; they are not the “right” gender, they do not have the “right” background, or perhaps they are not good enough as students because science concepts in books are hard to visualize. But science is all around us, from raindrops that fall and water our plants. to rockets launched into space. Science is how we understand our world and how we evolve; it enables us to reach out and build bridges of knowledge that link humanity through time.
We, as science centers speak a universal language that has no boundaries. We are open to all genders, we attract all nationalities, we break all social and economic taboos, and we reach out to our community and open our doors to all, because we are a source of knowledge. We play a vital role in influencing the future generations of tomorrow and are trusted by the communities as respectful institutions that offer knowledge and promote growth.
Science museums and centers have evolved into ideal entertainment outing venues that attract schools, families, and scientists themselves. Their changing role now includes stimulating scientific inquiry and creativity for children and adults alike.
Science and discovery centers in the NAMES region have undertaken this new role and we are here to stay; however:
- How do we ensure long-term sustainability; how do we stay relevant and prove our impact?
- How do we expand and reach more people?
- The whole dynamic of the region has shifted dramatically in the last few years; can we afford to remain traditional centers in the age of diversity?
We need to diversify our content and presence… We need more reach so as not to merely exist but to adhere to our mission statements and actually change lives!
In 2016, we meet to REACH out into our communities to find means for extension, inspiration, and power. We come together as science centers to exchange knowledge and learn from success stories.
This year's theme allows for various topics to be included, allowing for wider interest and participation, as well as more empowerment. We aim to expand the circle of participants and hopefully reach more professionals within the region.
NAMES 2016 Sub-themes
I.Sub-theme (track) 1: Your Audience
Education for your society: Why is building bridges through projects important for any science center/museum, and who are your partners? How does education help your community in times of conflict, or reduce brain drain, and increase civic competence and national pride?
Preferred Topics:*
- Education for times of conflict
- Who are your partners and why?
- Outreach and inclusivity
II.Sub-theme (track) 2: Your Content
Your exhibits and programs are a reflection of your community: How do we capitalize on our resources and insure that our exhibit development projects are customized to fit our culture and audiences?
Preferred Topics:*
- Golden Rules of Exhibit Development
- How to link programs to exhibits?
- How to localize your content?
- How do you tinker?
III.Sub-theme (track)3: Your Tools
Technology entertainment and marketing at your service: How important is it to spark curiosity engaging young minds? Can you maximize on science through science communication? How much technology do I really need?
Preferred Topics:*
- Technology in museum and science center’s education
- The Power of live science communication
- The role of science festivals and science fairs
- Successful marketing and social media strategies
IV.Sub-theme (track) 4: Your Impact
Museums as catalysts of social change: Why do museums and science centers play such an important role within their community? Why are they perceived as centers of learning, growth, and culture, and how can they utilize their presence and become catalysts of social change?
Preferred Topics:*
- How to involve your community through volunteers?
- How to evaluate your exhibits and programs?
- How socially responsible are you?
*Preferred Topics aim to provide guideline and focus to the proposed sessions but are in no way limited to those listed. Proposals are encouraged to use the above as guidelines and ensure compatibility with the sub-themes/tracks as well as the overall theme of the Conference.
More about NAMES Network
NAMES is an internationally recognized regional network that has been established almost a decade ago and has since taken strides towards “Networking for a Better Future”, which is the network’s Mission Statement.
The goal of NAMES is the democratization of science throughout the region by enhancing public understanding and involvement in science among an increasingly diverse public by means of informal education.
NAMES aims to promote best practices, to support effective communication, and to strengthen the position of science centers within the community at large. It encourages excellence and innovation in informal science learning by serving and linking its members and advancing their common goals.