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Speaker Details

Mr Cyril Dworsky
International Liaison Coordinator, European Children's Universities Network
Country: Austria


Cyril Dworsky is archaeologist and cultural heritage manager. In 2005, he started to give lectures and workshops at the Vienna Children’s University. Since 2008, he works in the Vienna University Children’s Office as a project developer and manager for international programmes in science communication and science engagement.

He is the International Liaison Coordinator and member of the executive board of the European Children's Universities Network. As an expert for underwater archaeology, he coordinated the Austrian part of the successful nomination of the UNESCO World Heritage - the Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps and is responsible for the management of the Austrian components of this serial UNESCO World Heritage since 2012.

A current focus in his work, is to develop sustainable structures for citizen science programmes for children, young people and adults and open innovation in cultural heritage management. He is a member of various advisory and scientific boards and published various articles about science communication and archaeological topics.

Status: Confirmed


The potential of Children’s Universities

In recent years, universities and other research organisations made manifold attempts to open up their institutions and facilities to allow for new encounters with science, arts and humanities. Considering that Children’s Universities create special spaces of “otherness” where children and young people connect with academic researchers and students. They have become widespread and successful models for informal learning environments and first glimpses into the scientific world.

In this talk we will explore the manifold types and characteristics of Children’s University models, as well as of similar science in society (SiS) interventions. Special attention will be given to possible cooperation between universities and science centres and museums and to access and inclusiveness in science in general.

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