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Speaker Details

Ms Ayah Younis
The Children’s Museum Jordan
Country: Jordan


Ayah Younis specializes in hands-on educational programs that are developed scientifically. She holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Jordan and a Certificate in Global Studies from Thunderbird School of Global Management, Glendale/USA. Younis is currently the Education and Programs Manager at the Children's Museum Jordan, where she works with the team on producing and implementing interactive and unconventional learning programs.

Status: Confirmed


Empowering Children and Young People within Higher Education

In this session we will introduce you to the manifold types, the characteristics and the impact of Children’s Universities and similar science in and with society (SiS) interventions. The term Children’s Universities became a widely spread umbrella brand for science related programmes at universities or in a close cooperation with higher education institutions. The idea of opening the doors of academic institutions to children and young people – sometimes pushing the limits and the doors amazingly wide open – propagated meanwhile all over the world. More than 500.000 children and 15.000 scientists engage with Children’s Universities every year. In the session you will learn about two specific programmes – the Sissa (Trieste/Italy) and the Vienna (Austria) Children’s University. As the general concept evolves from mere science communication objectives to social inclusion approaches, listening, mutual understanding, real participation, are becoming more and more key aspects of this kind of projects.

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New perspectives for Children Exhibitions: How Do We Stay Relevant

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