Speaker Details
Education Consultant and Civil Society Activist
Massa Mufti has accumulated a substantive depth of diversified knowledge and experience in the field of Education and Learning across educational institutions in the United States of America, Lebanon and Syria.
Massa is currently an activist highly engaged in Syrian civil society and in supporting Syrian refugees in the field of Education. She is the co-founder and Director of SONBOLA, an NGO that provides education support for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon with special focus on quality and sustainability. Massa is also a consultant at ESCWA on Education for Syria and has been involved in various consultancy projects relating to education management and development as well as in research projects that address Emergency Education, Non-Formal Education, Interactive and Museum-based Learning, Citizenship Education and more.
She was the Chair of the Steering Committee (2011-2012) of MENIT, the GIZ funded initiative of Middle East Network for Innovative Teaching and Learning (www.menit.me).
Massa played a founding role from October 2007 until June 2011 in the MASSAR Discovery Center Project, which is part of the Syrian Trust For Development NGO in Syria. She has established the Education department of the MASSAR Project in line with its vision & mission and in light of the Ministry of Education’s reform strategy, and worked on the in-house development and implementation of Science museums, community-based and outreach educational programs.