#Trending (articles)

Finding the Missing Link towards an Ice Age on Earth!

In a new study, scientists investigate the missing link in the process that leads to an ice age on Earth. In their research, the group of scientists examined a rock archive that goes back to 1.6 million years, to find that melting icebergs in the Antarctic may have triggered some chain reactions that caused previous ice ages.

Delaying a Second Coronavirus Vaccine Dose: A Two-Edged Weapon

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread all over the world, people are rushing to take the vaccine, which only exists in limited numbers for the time being. The fact that the whole world needs the vaccine has led some countries to delay the second vaccine dose in order to give it to other people who are not yet vaccinated. There is no doubt that the intention is well, but is it the right thing to do?

A New Ray of Hope in Treating Brain Cancer

Brain cancer has always been a great challenge for scientists; however, the medical field does not stop working on creating new treatment methods, including photodynamic therapy and sonodynamic therapy.

4,400 Species at Risk as Wildfires Increase

Biodiversity is facing the threat of fire in many regions of the world; researchers concluded that over 4,400 species are at great risk due to wildfires.

Our Unknown Treasure: Tears!

We shed salty water drops from each eye every now and then, but have we ever really thought of their significance?

Toxins, Disease, and Genes: How are They Connected?

In our everyday life, we deal with a huge amount of chemicals; to understand how these toxic chemicals impact our health and wellbeing, researchers released “the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database” in an effort to understand this significant connection.

Nobel Prize 2020 Female Winners

Women's role is finally taken seriously in all fields; this is especially highlighted by women awarded the Nobel Prizes 2020. From chemistry to physics, and literature, let us pay tribute to some great female figures and their achievements.

Hepatitis C Discovery Wins Nobel Prize for Medicine

A once mysterious disease known as “non-A, non-B” hepatitis, hepatitis C was discovered by British scientist Michael Houghton, and US researchers Harvey Alter and Charles Rice, who were awarded the Nobel Prize 2020 for their discovery.

27 Sarcophagi Unearthed in Saqqara, City of the Dead!

In early September of this year, Egyptian archaeologists have discovered what is considered one of Egypt’s largest discoveries in the last 100 years. At the beginning of the month, 13 coffins were discovered, followed by 14 others by the end of the same month; the 27 sarcophagi were buried for more than 2500 years.

A New Computer Turns Your Thoughts into Images

A new technological development has been released by a group of researchers from the University of Helsinki in Finland, allowing computers to read people's minds to generate images.