#Trending (articles)

The Science behind Atomic Habits

If you consider yourself a “self-help” maniac, then you would probably have heard of Atomic Habits (2018) by James Clear. If not, and you would like to start 2024 afresh with ambitious new year’s resolutions, then you may need to check out this #1 New York Times bestseller, which has been translated into over 50 languages.

How Can AI Augment Life Expectancy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of the hottest trends for the past couple of years. Every single day, AI makes it way to the headlines worldwide, sometimes to highlight innovative inventions and applications that are supposedly designed to make our lives easier; sometimes the headlines are of a much darker nature. If you are an avid follower of tech news, you may have heard of the American lawyers who got into trouble for using ChatGPT to write motions for lawsuits, not to mention gloomier scenarios about doomsday.

Countdown of the World’s Worst 2023 Natural Catastrophes

2023 is not over yet; yet, it has proven, unfortunately, to be a memorable historic record of natural catastrophes. Here is a look at some of the worst natural catastrophes of 2023.

Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Extinguish Students Creativity?

With the continuous advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its infiltration in many aspects of life, including education, it is interesting to know its impact on the creativity of students. Creativity is important to enhance critical thinking skills, innovation, problem-solving, and self-expression; however, there are some concerns that AI will limit students creativity.

Qualifying Students for the Jobs of Tomorrow

We live in the age of technology and artificial intelligence (AI). Advancing technology and algorithms, and the increasing dependence on machines will change the rules of the job market in the future, causing some jobs to go extinct and others to emerge. According to a report by the World Economic Forum in 2023, the job market will change by 25% in the next five years only. So, what would it be like after 20 years?

Using 4D Printing in Education

Three decades ago, 3D printing emerged; it uses special printers to produce various models. These models are designed using softwares, then they are printed layer by layer till we get a 3D model. As for the 4D printing technique, it closely resembles 3D printing, adding the fourth dimension, which is time. Adding the dimension of time means transforming from one form to another as a result of the exposure to an external stimulus or a change in the ambient conditions, such as heat, light, humidity, pressure, or electrical charges.

5 Virtual Science Exhibitions to Check Out

Feeling stuck where you are? Have a long list of exhibitions and science museums scattered around the globe but for, some reason, you cannot leave where you are? Maybe you cannot find suitable travel buddies who share your interests, feel intimidated by traveling alone, or simply do not have enough resources (time, energy, or even money) to pack your bags and go.

Using Augmented Reality in STEAM Education

Have you tried the "IKEA Place" app or watched someone playing "Pokémon GO" before? These are two examples of Augmented Reality (AR) apps. But, what is AR technology? And, how does it relate to education and STEAM education?

How does Climate Change affect Mental Health?

Humans began to notice the effects of changes in the surrounding environment on their physical health a long time ago. With the exacerbation of global warming and the impact of high temperature on people on Earth, these effects have extended to their mental health. This was confirmed by a report issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2022; it indicated that there is a close relationship between climate change and mental health that hinders the daily life of millions of people around the world.

Active Learning Methods are Best for Addressing Sustainability Issues

Researchers have shed light on the importance of shifting from traditional learning approaches to more innovative and active methods that shift the focus from the teacher to the learner. This approach has been tested on learners from different levels, from toddlers, to teenagers and university-level learners; the results indicated its efficacy.

Why Should Educators Dismiss the “Repeat After Me” Concept?

The “Repeat After Me” concept has been linked to the educational process for so long, as there has been a widely spread belief that repetition helps learners better learn and memorize newly learned words. However, recent research has shown that repeating new vocabulary right after hearing it is not the best way to learn, and may have a negative effect on learning, while silently listening to the new word or pausing before pronouncing it is a better option to reach good results.